University of Miami School of Law CourseLink Course Description - Online System
 StudentLink    Concentration/Area of Focus Registration 

Spring 2023

Course Description
This short course will examine current legal and regulatory issues impacting intercollegiate sports. The course will explore topics “in the headlines” including: (i) state and federal legislation concerning the commercialization of name, image, and likeness rights; (ii) antitrust litigation challenging NCAA rules that limit compensation to student-athletes; (iii) labor law developments concerning the “employee” status of student-athletes; (iv) player health and safety issues including football concussion litigation; and (v) NCAA enforcement matters and criminal proceedings relating to fraud and corruption. Students will be guided by Marc Weinroth (adjunct faculty, Counsel at Jones Day) and a number of guest speakers who will address the subject of the day through the prism of their own practical experience working on intercollegiate sports matters. Students will write three short reflection papers, and the course will culminate in a legal brief arguing issues at the core of recent NCAA-related litigation. Short Course Attendance Policy Due to the small number of meetings, attendance to all meetings/classes for short courses is mandatory. Students who miss more than one class session (80 minute) of a 1-credit short course are subject to administrative withdrawal and will have a W for the course on their transcripts.

Course Schedule
Offering Dates: 01-23-2023 - 01-28-2023  

Dates Day Time Room
01-23-2023 - 01-28-2023   S  10:00 AM-1:00 PM A216B
01-23-2023 - 01-28-2023   MTWR  12:30 PM-1:50 PM A216B
01-23-2023 - 01-28-2023   F  2:00 PM-5:00 PM A216B

Course Frequency
Occasional course offering

Course Information

Credits: 1
Pass/Fail Option: No
Corequisite: None
Grading: Graded
Method of Evaluation: three short reflection papers on course topics (45%); legal brief due one week after course completion (45%); participation (10%).
Graduation Requirements Fulfilled By Course:
Special Attributes:
Short Course
Course Delivery:
Special Restrictions: Open to students enrolled in the LL.M. or J.D./LL.M. in Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law (“EASL”) who also have the prior permission of EASL’s Director of the Entertainment Track (Greg Levy). Please do NOT contact the Professor for permission.
Law Track(s): None
Bar Subject(s): None
Business Compliance and Sustainability (Area of Focus)   More information
Business Compliance and Sustainability (Concentration)   More information
Course Book(s): TBD/None      
First Class Assignment(s): TBD/None



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